FHIR Implementation Guide for HCX
0.7.0 - CI Build

FHIR Implementation Guide for HCX - Local Development build (v0.7.0). See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: HCX Claim Denial Codes


Defining URL:https://swasth-digital-health-foundation.github.io/standards/v0.7/ValueSet-claim-denial-codes.html
Status:Active as of 2021-08-15

This is the value set that includes the codes for understanding of the adjudication result and explaining variance from expected amount

Publisher:HCX Open Community
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Logical Definition (CLD)

No formal definition provided for this ValueSet



This value set contains 65 concepts

All codes in this table are from the system http://hcp.org/codes/denial-code

  ELIG-001Patient is not a covered member
  ELIG-005Services performed after the last date of coverage
  ELIG-006Services performed prior to the effective date of coverage
  ELIG-007Services performed by a non-network provider
  AUTH-001Prior approval is required and was not obtained
  AUTH-003PriorAuthorizationNumber is invalid
  AUTH-004Service(s) is (are) performed outside authorization validity date
  AUTH-005Claim information is inconsistent with pre-certified/authorized services
  AUTH-006Alert drug - drug interaction or drug is contra-indicated
  AUTH-007Drug duplicate therapy
  AUTH-008Inappropriate drug dose
  AUTH-009Prescription out of date
  AUTH-010Authorization request overlaps or is within the period of another paid claim or approved authorization
  AUTH-011Waiting period on pre-existing / specific conditions
  AUTH-012Request for information
  BENX-002Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached
  BENX-005Annual limit/sublimit amount exceeded
  CLAI-007Claim is a work-related injury/illness and thus the liability of the employer
  CLAI-008Claim overlaps inpatient stay. Resubmit only those services rendered outside the inpatient stay
  CLAI-009Date of birth follows the date of service
  CLAI-010Date of death precedes the date of service
  CLAI-011Inpatient admission spans multiple rate periods. Resubmit separate claims
  CLAI-012Submission not compliant with contractual agreement between provider & payer
  CLAI-014Claim not compliant with Resubmission type (used only for resubmissions)
  CLAI-017Services not available on direct billing
  CLAI-018Claims Recalled By Provider
  CODE-010Activity/diagnosis inconsistent with clinician specialty
  CODE-012Encounter type inconsistent with service(s) / diagnosis
  CODE-013Invalid principal diagnosis
  CODE-014Activity/diagnosis is inconsistent with the patient's age/gender
  CODE-015Activity/diagnosis is inconsistent with the provider type
  DUPL-001Claim is a duplicate based on service codes and dates
  DUPL-002Payment already made for same/similar service within set time frame
  MNEC-003Service is not clinically indicated based on good clinical practice
  MNEC-004Service is not clinically indicated based on good clinical practice, without additional supporting diagnoses/activities
  MNEC-005Service/supply may be appropriate, but too frequent
  MNEC-006Alternative service should have been utilized
  NCOV-001Diagnosis(es) is (are) not covered
  NCOV-002Pre-existing conditions are not covered
  NCOV-003Service(s) is (are) not covered
  NCOV-025Service(s) is (are) not performed (used after audit)
  PRCE-001Calculation discrepancy
  PRCE-002Payment is included in the allowance for another service
  PRCE-003Recovery of Payment
  PRCE-006Consultation within free follow up period
  PRCE-007Service has no contract price
  PRCE-008Multiple procedure payment rules incorrectly applied
  PRCE-009Charges inconsistent with clinician specialty
  PRCE-010Use bundled code
  PRCE-011Discount discrepancy
  TIME-001Time limit for submission has expired
  TIME-002Requested additional information was not received or was not received within time limit
  TIME-003Appeal procedures not followed or time limits not met
  COPY-001Deductible/co-pay not collected from member
  SURC-001Severe drug - drug interaction
  SURC-002Severe drug - age contraindication
  SURC-003Severe drug - gender contraindication
  SURC-004Severe drug - diaganosis contraindication
  SURC-005Severe procedure\service - diagnosis contraindication
  SURC-006Severe procedure\service - drug contraindication
  SURC-007Severe procedure\service - procedure contraindication
  SURC-008Serious safety issue with drug dose
  WRNG-001Wrong submission, receiver is not responsible for the payer within this transaction submission.
  CLAI-019Wrong IR-DRG code
  CLAI-020Missing IR-DRG code

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code